Tag Archives: climate change

26 November 2023 – Mini forest for the Roma Est Linear Park

The 26 November 2023 the first mini forest of the reforestation project for the future Rome East Linear Park was born.

They were planted 21 trees including cork oaks, Farnie, lecci, ornielli, to die, cypresses, filliree, corbezzoli, jujubes, junipers, Bago.

All this was done together with the Linear Park Committee it's at Stefano B. , Paolo , Eleonora , Catia , Luciana , Ilaria, Armando , Alessia and many others.

This reforestation project is based on criteria learned in the courses organized periodically by Roberto Salustri and his team’EcoIstituto Reseda Onlus within the project Let's reforest Rome Metropolitan Area and Let's reforest the planet.

16 October 2019 – Meeting at the high school Alberti (EUR) to talk about climate change

The 16 October 2019 We had a meeting at the high school Alberti in Rome discussing with students what it means technically CLIMATE CHANGE, thanks to the collaboration of Alessio Coluzzi, degree in forest science. It also talked about the meaning of being active in the defense of the environment and the opportunity to come into contact with many other wonderful people who share the same interests.