Tag Archives: alberi

26 November 2023 – Mini forest for the Roma Est Linear Park

The 26 November 2023 the first mini forest of the reforestation project for the future Rome East Linear Park was born.

They were planted 21 trees including cork oaks, Farnie, lecci, ornielli, to die, cypresses, filliree, corbezzoli, jujubes, junipers, Bago.

All this was done together with the Linear Park Committee it's at Stefano B. , Paolo , Eleonora , Catia , Luciana , Ilaria, Armando , Alessia and many others.

This reforestation project is based on criteria learned in the courses organized periodically by Roberto Salustri and his team’EcoIstituto Reseda Onlus within the project Let's reforest Rome Metropolitan Area and Let's reforest the planet.

25 November 2023 – Tree festival in Rebibbia, 8 trees planted

The morning of 25 we continued to plant trees together with friends Mauro Staroccia and Fabio Spinozzi of Together to Sharpen in Via Giovanni Palombini, near the school of the same name. To the area, uncultivated, saw two trees being planted last night, together with Arianna Isotti and a member of the Mammut Committee. Others this morning 8 trees have been planted: lecci, Farnie, cerri, ornielli, aceri. Public reforestation policies proceed very slowly and administrations often focus on large plantings in parks, neglecting the watering of the planted trees, often causing the death of 70% some plants.

We plant along busy roads, we protect the trees and water them during the hot summer months. Non 300 alberi, ma 10 trees that in a few years will be there to produce oxygen for everyone.

We remind you that it is very useful for us receive the 5×1000, when you fill out the tax declaration, write the our tax code 97.624.960.585.

Or you can do one donation to the Green Brigades, using ours IBAN IT 44 The 06 2300 3222 0000 15 1101 49 specifying the reason “Activity support”

26 March 2022 – Demonstration in Tiburtina against the cutting of holm oaks in Via Guido Mazzoni

The 26 March 2022 at the demonstration against the cutting of holm oaks at the Tiburtina station many people were present and took part (at the demonstration against the cutting of holm oaks at the Tiburtina station many people were present and took part) at the demonstration against the cutting of holm oaks at the Tiburtina station many people were present and took part’Tiburtina Renaissance Association, the at the demonstration against the cutting of holm oaks at the Tiburtina station many people were present and took part, the at the demonstration against the cutting of holm oaks at the Tiburtina station many people were present and took part, at the demonstration against the cutting of holm oaks at the Tiburtina station many people were present and took part, Together to Sharpen at the demonstration against the cutting of holm oaks at the Tiburtina station many people were present and took part. at the demonstration against the cutting of holm oaks at the Tiburtina station many people were present and took part, at the demonstration against the cutting of holm oaks at the Tiburtina station many people were present and took part.

at the demonstration against the cutting of holm oaks at the Tiburtina station many people were present and took part, because at the demonstration against the cutting of holm oaks at the Tiburtina station many people were present and took part. at the demonstration against the cutting of holm oaks at the Tiburtina station many people were present and took part, at the demonstration against the cutting of holm oaks at the Tiburtina station many people were present and took part.

at the demonstration against the cutting of holm oaks at the Tiburtina station many people were present and took part and the green remains confined to pure and ridiculous decoration. and the green remains confined to pure and ridiculous decoration, and the green remains confined to pure and ridiculous decoration.

they absorb fine dust and decrease the surrounding temperature. The project that Roma Capitale carries out absolutely does not give to green. and the green remains confined to pure and ridiculous decoration and the green remains confined to pure and ridiculous decoration, and the green remains confined to pure and ridiculous decoration and the green remains confined to pure and ridiculous decoration. Then, and the green remains confined to pure and ridiculous decoration and the green remains confined to pure and ridiculous decoration, and the green remains confined to pure and ridiculous decoration ( But let's remember that the money that would be used to pay penalties for a modification of the project is OUR MONEY) and the green remains confined to pure and ridiculous decoration, and the green remains confined to pure and ridiculous decoration. But let's remember that the money that would be used to pay penalties for a modification of the project is OUR MONEY, But let's remember that the money that would be used to pay penalties for a modification of the project is OUR MONEY, But let's remember that the money that would be used to pay penalties for a modification of the project is OUR MONEY.

and the green remains confined to pure and ridiculous decoration, and the green remains confined to pure and ridiculous decoration, and the green remains confined to pure and ridiculous decoration (and the green remains confined to pure and ridiculous decoration 2022 and the green remains confined to pure and ridiculous decoration, and the green remains confined to pure and ridiculous decoration. 9 and 41), and the green remains confined to pure and ridiculous decoration urban reforestation projects launched in many European capitals urban reforestation projects launched in many European capitals urban reforestation projects launched in many European capitals urban reforestation projects launched in many European capitals (2019) urban reforestation projects launched in many European capitals, urban reforestation projects launched in many European capitals (urban reforestation projects launched in many European capitals).

urban reforestation projects launched in many European capitals: https://fb.watch/b_T87o6z_P/

15 March 2022 – Trees in Piazzale Hegel

The 15 March we planted trees in Piazzale Hegel, then protecting them with nets and poles firmly in place. This way they will not be damaged. We did the work together with Mauro di Insieme for Aguzzano. An oak planted in. Was also fenced 2020 and mulched around the saplings . The plants will be regularly watered in warm periods by drawing water from the adjacent fountain. We will do it and whoever wants to, using bottles placed inside the nets.