Tag Archives: ciclopedalata

26 April 2015 – Participation Ciclopedalata the lake of Bufalotta, inside the Natural Reserve of Marcigliana

The 26 April 2015 the Green Brigades attended the ciclopedalata Piazza Sempione at the lake Bufalotta, passing inside the natural reserve Marcigliana ( www.romanatura.roma.it/i-parchi/r-n-marcigliana/ https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riserva_naturale_della_Marcigliana ).

The event was organized by the Ecological Network Montesacro, along with various associations, including Verdi Brigades, Rebike, APS Civic for Nature, NSA Roma Nord, Civic Volunteer Firefighters, Enable montesacro, Gym Popular Colle Salario, Association Walter Tobagi.

Objective: make known to the citizens of Lake Bufalotta, body of water within the Reserve Marcigliana. In this lake it makes sport fishing with barbless hooks ( HTTPS://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pesca_sportiva#No-kill_e_Catch_.26_Release ). Reading the following link, you make a positive or negative view of this discipline.

The initiative saw a good participation. On arrival at the lake, some banquets arranged by local manufacturers were also allowed to sample some local produce Marcigliana.


poster ciclopedalata lake bufalottamarc 1marc 2




marc 4


20 October 2013 – Ciclopedalata degli orti

Introduction to ciclopedalata
Introduction to ciclopedalata

The day 20 October 2013 We held the ciclopedalata degli orti, bike ride to discover the urban gardens of Rome. In recent years more and more people have decided to cultivate a piece of land, individually or collectively with the inhabitants of their own neighborhood. Publicize the stories of some of these people, going to visit the cultivated areas, is the best way to understand the meaning of this cultural choice, environmental policy and of the neo-peasants.

We started our tour from Villa Ada Park, making the first stop where it will rise a synergic vegetable garden, the first in this large green area. Alessandra Ferranti, the representative of Ecotourism Casa Maya, the Association that will handle the nascent synergic vegetable garden, explained the genesis of the project, the long bureaucratic process and the successful conclusion of it, with permission to commence work.

Alessandra Ferranti introduces the project caught in Ada
Alessandra Ferranti introduces the project caught in Ada

A source of the Acea will supply water to this garden of 1000 MQ, round in shape, surrounded by existing bushes, which serve as natural protection and refuge for wild animals. From the outside, you will only see the entry.


Pedaling in Villa Ada

After crossing the Park, We walked for a mile away Via Salaria and we embarked on the cycle path.

Just before reaching the gardens of war, we stop in front of the memorial plaque of Ugo Oven, child 12 years, last fell in the defence of Rome 5 June 1944 ( http://www.ugoforno.it/storia.html ).

The gardens of war met with the histrionic Dino which, After the participants have passed through the area of the gardens, told about when and how these allotments were created.

Dino di Fronte dell'Orto intrattiene i partecipanti
Dino in front of the vegetable garden entertains attendees

The tour continued with the old crossing ponte Nomentano, then enter the wonderful Reserve of the Aniene. Shortly after, We entered the Parco regionale di Aguzzano, where we did stop at the garden of Aguzzano, project managed by the Association the Casale Podere Rosa and the Centre of ecological culture. E’ was narrated the history of these vegetable gardens, whose preparation began in the fall of 2011 (biological and chemical analysis of the soil, ploughing, Elimination of stones) and whose implementation has started before the spring of 2012.

To end the day, We moved to a nearby Farmhouse Alba 2, where volunteers that they have prepared a great lunch at popular prices, for all the hungry cyclists.

Amici dell'orto
Friends of the garden
The pitch where we planted four fruit trees
The pitch where we planted four fruit trees
Dino di Fronte dell'Orto entertains the participants
a rat snake does its job
Da Sx: Andrea Caggese, Sarah Menouer, Dino di Fronte dell'Orto entertains the participants
Da Sx: Andrea Caggese, Sarah Menouer, Alessio Rivola in front of one of the fruit trees planted by the Green Brigade
















Dentro la Riserva naturale Valle dell'Aniene
Inside the nature reserve Aniene Valley
Alla scoperta della Riserva dell'Aniene
Discovering the Aniene Reserve
The bike parade to Sharpen regional park
The bike parade to Sharpen regional park
Arrivo all'Orto-giardino di Aguzzano
Arrival at the vegetable garden of Aguzzano
Lunch at Casale Sunrise 2
Lunch at Casale Sunrise 2






























Talk like that about himself:

Ecotourism Casa Maya and their project caught in Ada

The Association "Ecotourism Casa Maya" was born in Blera in Viterbo in a familiar context to promote a lifestyle at no cost, solely dependent on nature and its seasons. The very name of the Association does not invoke an idea of vegetable garden but the contents in the Statute are absolutely in line with the principles of urban agriculture addressing the issue "Earth" and are based on human need in town to regain physical spaces and cultural practice self-management. The Association in Rome consists of citizens of 2° municipio (but not only) waiting patiently for the permission to create a synergistic collective garden Villa Ada.

The synergic vegetable garden is based on Permaculture.

Permaculture is a design system for creating ecological habitats by recognizing, the use and the harmonization of individual components of the landscape (morphology, land,water,vegetation,animals…).

Permaculture design means trying to get the most benefit by using the minimum of space and energy in a productive system that endures over time.
Means abandoning the logic of non-sustainable development, where all human activities are intensified in a constant energy deficit

Purpose of Permaculture is the reconciliation of the natural characteristics of the surrounding environment and the needs of man. The result is a beauty that not only satisfy body and soul, but that does not depend on economic investment. but that depends on the nature and cure of it.

Through experience to cultivate together a synergic vegetable garden, with the guidance of teachers or parents, children and teenagers would, first of all, a fun new way to ' learn by doing ' many notions of natural sciences, regarding the individual plant and animal species and even complex concepts like that of ecosystem, essential to understand the nature and man's relationship with it. As the project wants to enrich workshops, for example of bread making and soap making, bringing the boys to the basics of chemistry and biology.

The teaching that can transmit the cultivation of a garden municipality covers civic education, in the broadest sense of the word and more, is the place where ' learning by doing ' the value of work in all its forms: the importance of working, to engage with perseverance toward goals that go beyond the easy and immediate gain, respect and care of the Commons, basis of that public spirit that our country seems to have lost and must find to give herself a livable future. Agriculture is knowledge and manual skills and is now rediscovered and reinvented by young entrepreneurs and can be a bridge to the discovery of a new economy.

The Association wants to start this journey of school forming the culture, the attitudes, the way of being in the world of those who dwell, and in turn ' will grow is the country and the world of tomorrow that, just like a vegetable garden plants, will grow well only thanks to the efforts of all.

It is important to be in so many to this new way of living citizens, a way based on self-management.


Front garden and orchards of war Association

The FRONT of the Garden Association was officially born in February 2013, After some citizens, thinkers, architects and especially men and women who love nature and the city, they began to regain some urban green spaces, a time defined WAR GARDENS.

Have settled for some years in these "gardens" now abandoned by those railwaymen who tilled a strip of land between the railway and the river Aniene in 1938, When they had given the Palace in via di villa Chigi, on the hill above. Then, Vintage movies prove, that was a real urban settlement.

Now these patches of Earth begin to live, with a new generation of people who cultivate, Re-invent socialization spaces, look after the surrounding area even with awareness-raising actions, cleaning and territorial promotion.

And continue to get new neighbours ....

Forehead Dell'Orto onlus

On the Via Francigena/bike path between the Salaria and Nomentana


Orto-giardino di Aguzzano

Dino di Fronte dell'Orto entertains the participants


20 October 2013 h 10 Ciclopedalata degli orti

Brigate Verdi


20 October 2013 h.10


Departure from the lake in Villa Ada

(entrance from Via di Ponte Salario)

The desire to grow with your own hands, with its commitment, healthy foods and zero kilometer, becomes stronger every day. The Green Brigades invite you to participate in a guided tour by bicycle, the discovery of the rural areas of Rome. Find out what has been done through the recovery and the shared management of public lands, come visit the synergistic gardens, you know this new phenomenon of social aggregation and dedication to nature. Get inspired!



Meeting of participants at the lake in Villa Ada

Break 1

Dentro Villa Ada, to get to know the Casa Maya Ecotourism association, which will present

Caught in Ada, the synergistic vegetable garden project in an area of ​​the park

Break 2

Along the cycle path along the Aniene, stop at the war gardens, managed by the Fronte dell'Orto association

Break 3

Adjacent to the regional park of Aguzzano, at the vegetable garden of Aguzzano, a set of a synergistic vegetable garden and individual vegetable gardens managed by the Casale Podere Rosa association and the Ecological Culture Center

Lunch h 14.00

Social lunch at Casale Alba 2, dentro il Parco regionale di Aguzzano.

"Skatenata" the new cycle workshop of the district will be presented, to repair our bicycles,

managed by Casale Alba 2

You can support the association with a small free subscription: will serve to buy trees and finance the initiatives of the Green Brigades. You will receive a free sachet with many varieties of seeds, to make your garden!

Per info:

338 38 40 269

[email protected]



2 June 2012 – Ciclopedalata of parks and children's bicycle races to Sharpen

Da Sx: Arnaldo Knight, Arun Babu (Sannazzaro Park Committee), Stefano Antonelli
Da Sx: Arnaldo Knight, Arun Babu (Sannazzaro Park Committee), Stefano Antonelli

The 2 June 2012 We held the Ciclopedalata parks, a ride on two wheels that touched 5 parks at risk concreting: Talent Park (Via Fucini), Park Sannazzaro (Viale Jonio), Villa Blanc (Via Nomentana), Parquet Feronia (Via Feronia, c/o Metro B Monti Tiburtini), Parco regionale di Aguzzano (Via Casal de’ Crazy). Through this initiative we wanted to bring people to know some green areas of Rome that risk being submerged by a poured concrete. In every Park we made a stop, during which the representatives of the committees seeking to protect them have spoken: They discussed the current situation, future prospects and hopes of citizens adjacent neighborhoods. At the end of the last stage, lunch in the Park. In the afternoon, space dedicated to bicycle races for kids, organized by Oscar Salvi and Rita Dove, in the Park of Aguzzano.

Sandra Babic illustrates the situation of the Park Sannazzaro
Sandra Babic illustrates the situation of the Park Sannazzaro
Crossing Parco SannazzaroDa Dx: Andrea Caggese, Marco Springs
Crossing Park Sannazzaro
By Dx: Andrea Caggese, Marco Springs










Adolfo Rinaldi (Committee Villa Blanc), in via Marliano, talks about the plight of the Villa.
Adolfo Rinaldi (Committee Villa Blanc), in via Marliano, talks about the plight of the Villa.


The representative of the Parquet Feronia explains the history of this small green area.
The representative of the Parquet Feronia explains the history of this small green area.


Races for children organized by Oscar Salvi and Rita Dove
Races for children organized by Oscar Salvi and Rita Dove







Children's Awards
Children's Awards













Feature article on the history of parks visited:


The Urban Park Talent, inserted into the Plan of certainties (approved by the Municipal Council in 1997) how indispensable green space, It is the product of an agreement between the city of Rome and the workspace properties: the FINEUROPA S.p.A..

The agreement provides for the free sale of the area to the municipality and the construction, the company Pietro Mezzaroma and sons, public park 392.594 MQ, to offset the expected building volumes (now made) the "Rione Renaissance" produced by FINEUROPA. Specifically, the park covers an area of about Talents 47 acres, always split into two: 40 private acres, former Convention S.I.R.A., more outside the town, and about 7 acres of the former "green dot").

With resolution No. 183 adopted by the Municipal Council of 12 September 1997 the bureaucratic process establishing the urban intervention program "Park Talents" on a proposal from the Company FINEUROPA.

The 22 may 2001 the conclusion of the "Convention Park Talents".

Besides the coordination for the Park Talenti (Today Coordination ecological network Rome Montesacro) with Legambiente Lazio, They proposed (with the press conference 28 July 2009 and the dossier Marcigliana http://www.organizzazionealfa.it/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Dossier_Marcigliana.pdf) to extend the Marcigliana nature reserve Park area Talent, through the agricultural area located between Via di Casal morsel and Detrick Street, broadening of 120 acres perimeter, to lock the design of golf course; to remove from the plan of the reserve the overflowing International Center for breeding thoroughbred horses brought by ISAIV of the Ligresti group; to prevent the expansion of ben 16 acres of Via Vallericca in order to ensure the protection of the beautiful protected area and enrich the agricultural quality.

The extension, that would complement inside the Marcigliana an agriculture of about 80 acres (one of the few remaining intact within the G. R.a.), identified by the Regional Landscape Plan as agricultural area of considerable value, and the urban park Talents around 42 acres, (subject of an historic mobilization of environmental groups and posted as indispensable by the plan area of certainties, approved by the City Council of Rome in 1997), would create a green wedge of connection with the city (http://www.organizzazionealfa.it/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Tav.-Parco-Talenti_Marcigliana2.jpg), bringing the reserve within the built, with the desired effect of creating a more direct relationship between the citizens and the same. Finally, This "continuum" environment and ecosystems, would prevent the solder industry building northeast of the town.



In November 1993 a citizens ' Committee to defend the green area called Park Sannazzaro destined, in the PRG then in force, to public services by neighborhood (M3) and building completion (D), In addition to passing a fast road connecting the A1 motorway and the tangenziale est.

The Committee promotes a collection of signatures, demonstrations over the area of the Park and participatesactively in the Go Green formed in the Capitol and, subsequently, in the fourth City Hall.

The results of the mobilization are: the resolution No. 15/1994 with which the City Council requires the suspension of the project for the construction of the motorway link road in the Park and is committed to the protection and conservation of "pratoni di viale Jonio" and municipal resolution No. 92/1997 (Plan of certainties- Annex B, paragraph C2) which provides for the change of use of the Park Sannazzaro in zone N (public green).

Achieved the main goal, the Committee continues in years to oversee the Park, denouncing local Government any transaction deemed suspect (earthworks, unloading of materials, etc.).

With municipal resolution n. 18/2008 approving the new town plan (PRG) of Rome. The Park area Sannazzaro marker is intended to public parks and local public services, that is potentially destined for construction of schools, houses, places of worship, public and private parking, equipment for the collection of municipal solid waste, etc.

This means that the Park could be fully built!

The Committee, then, He returned to make the population of the area on the need to defend and improve the few green spaces in the neighborhood, no more and only marginal areas or to comply with an ever-expanding road system and articulated, but as community heritage and central element in the overall policy of change and qualification of metropolitan areas.

Through a new collection of signatures, events in the Park, planting of trees, the Committee was successful in obtaining:

  • the approval of theagenda # 5/2012 by the Council for the protection of the Park Sannazzaro;

  • the creation of achildren's play area in the only municipally owned surface at the entrance of the Park;

  • the approval by the Assembly of the CapitalAgenda No 9/2013 in favour of the preservation of the Park Sannazzaro.



After 12 years of spontaneous activity, the Committee was established formally in Villa Blanc Association, not for profit, the 1 February 2013, with the aim of strengthening and consolidating the efforts to defend and preserve the environmental heritage of the villa.

In fact, Villa Blanc – located at via Nomentana 216 in Rome – despite being intended for public green areas and local services from the planning scheme and protected by several other historical and landscape interest constraints, undergoes a transformation project in a private LUISS University campus with guest quarters and 8 private parking for about 5000 MQ – authorized in December 2012 by the city of Rome- that could undermine completely and hopelessly preserving its historical and environmental, closing the Park to the enjoyment of the citizens.

In June 2012 Thanks to our reports, Legambiente complaint and decided intervention of State forestry and wildlife, were stopped cutting trees and starting the deforestation that LUISS was performing at Villa Blanc, in anticipation of the start of work, contravention of the provisions of law (L 157/92 and L 189/2004, Eec Directive 79/409, L 503/81 adoption of the Berne Convention) and regulation of the municipality on the protection of wild fauna and flora, in a region defined as wooded area from regional land use plan.

For these reasons it has been presented by some members of the Committee, along with Our Italy and other citizens, an urgent appeal to the TAR against the building permit issued by the city, in examining what the hearing took place on 5 June 2013 next and which awaits the judgment.

With our battle we intend to reaffirm that the Park and historic buildings of Villa Blanc should be stored as a unique collection of different elements, related to each of them, with monumental buildings and artifacts and furniture and a park of trees, floral and plant, to make available to all citizens.



The regional park of Aguzzano, (set up by regional law 8 August 1989 # 55 – Plan May trim 1995), with its 57 acres, is the smallest of the Lazio regional parks and reserves, but of great importance given its inclusion within a densely built area. The Park has preserved over the years by the looks of "the last piece of the Agro Romano and preserves, with its 5 Casali, the testimonies of ancient agricultural activity which makes today an "outdoor museum". The Park plan, of the rest, with its highly harmonious structure model, It highlights and enhances these features, giving the Park (situated between the via Nomentana, the Via Tiburtina and the GRA) the characteristic of green lung, and is an ideal leisure and meeting place for the citizens of the area east of Rome.


Unfortunately, This green space within the 4th district is seriously threatened, as well as the same stately homes. Le assegnazioni dei casali, For example,, they are completely out of any management logic of that plan to Trim that he would appoint them rather to host cultural activities, serving the surrounding neighborhoods and the city. We see their situation:

The CASALE SUNRISE 3 (said "THE HERDS") seat of the ECA Centre of ecological culture, is the only farmhouse converted into activities open to citizenship, but that is threatened with closure and that the Convention has not been renewed by the municipality of Rome. The A.T. The. (the temporary Business Association which holds open the library and manages the activities of the Centre) working voluntarily and is self-financing activities. For this reason thousands of signatures were presented to the municipality of Rome in support of maintaining the CCE and the continuation of its activity. Is currently an ongoing opposition to TAR and is awaiting judgment;

The near casale (named "THE STABLE OF BULLS") intended to "room for meetings and public meetings of the district and bio-refreshment point"it was occupied in July 2010 the civil defence of the city of Rome by way of derogation from the floor trim and, with blatant abuse, destined to offices of civil protection, removing a farmhouse to citizens;

The CASALE SUNRISE 1 (told of "OUR FATHER") where the plan of regional Park includes a "Theatrical Centre", in stark contrast to its destination, was awarded without tender to the cooperative housing and environmental activities integrated with Artemisia. The cooperative Artemisia inter alia is currently performing renovations in economy without project and uses that space as an Office/residence;

The RURAL HOUSE SHARPEN NEW (told of "DEEP BASIN"), designed in the regional Park "Museum of the agro romano"and left in a State of total abandonment, seems to be involved in a project for rehabilitation of the disabled, with financing private millionaire and city of Rome that leaves many doubts and many perplexities;

The Casale SUNRISE 2 (said "The Stables") recently renovated by the city of Rome, had to be made according to the plan of arrangement "House of music"for cultural and musical activities for the neighborhood and the city, but the administrations, including that prison authorities, I want to turn it into a surveillance attenuated detention facility for mothers held (ICAM project). The measures include an expansion of volumes, construction of an outdoor enclosure at least 4 meters and climb system with double fence, accommodation of dirt roads of access to the House (asphalt ...), installation of lighting at night, night motion detection sensors, for any vehicle access control barrier at the entrance of the Park, transit vehicles in service with its parking area inside the Park… As can be seen, anything that would lessen the impact of children actually prison reality.

Other interventions have focused directly on Park: planting of trees by banking and petroleum sponsors of which you do not know the true aim; the installation of equipment by the municipality of Rome for their shape (Steel on concrete plinths) rural and agricultural nature of the suit the sore place; the reclamation activities of s. Basilio performed with bulldozers and tractors that have put at risk the fragile biodiversity of the place.


The Coordination, formed by associations, Committees, citizens, students, arises spontaneously at the beginning of 2012 as an expression of dissent against ICAM project in Casale Alba2 and against changes in the attitude of the Park plan. Defends Aguzzano Park as a common good and intend to build viable alternatives for managing Casali. Coordination want this green area can continue to exist in its present form without being overrun by concrete and asphalt, militarized or made into consumer goods. Want also that are retained the current uses of the houses as places of social and cultural activities for the neighborhood and the city, in which BREATHE culture, sociality, participation.

If today we speak of Parco di Aguzzano is due solely to the achievements obtained by citizens within 30 years, that have helped to save this public good by building speculation, then enhance it.