Tag Archives: Argentina

October 2018 – France: children without arms, capable of dita. It's the fault of herbicides and insecticides?

Like maybe there will come news, in France soared to prominence in the case of children born without arms or hands or fingers. It started an inquiry by the Government beyond the Alps, which will be published the first results in January 2019. HTTPS://www.silenziefalsita.it/…/il-caso-dei-bambini-nati-…/
One of the hypotheses is contamination by herbicides and insecticides, sprayed in rural areas where the deformations have been observed. A previous case of contamination in France is that of the mother Sabine Grataloup https://www.repubblica.it/salute/2017/10/04/news/glifosato_una_famiglia_francese_fa_causa_a_monsanto-177346263/) but it is to say that this phenomenon is vastly years ARGENTINA present in the early 2000, where the herbicide glyphosate is sprayed with planes (or by hand with the nebulizer), fundamental element in soya bean crops genetically modified, introduced by 1996. Infants with severe mental deficiencies and deformations arise continuously in rural areas, © because mothers in gestation may come into contact with this substance volatile.
For those who know the counsel to read French (nn unfortunately still exists the Italian translation) HTTPS://www.editionsladecouverte.fr/…/index-Le_Roundup_face… or video (stocked with Spanish subtitles) HTTPS://vimeo.com/channels/1380598
Two years ago, in my journey on foot in Puglia, I visited a farm in Troy, in the province of Foggia. What I knew, what I had read on glyphosate was still little to be able to have a real debate on this issue. I carry the old Article