15 March 2022 – Trees in Piazzale Hegel

The 15 March we planted trees in Piazzale Hegel, then protecting them with nets and poles firmly in place. This way they will not be damaged. We did the work together with Mauro di Insieme for Aguzzano. An oak planted in. Was also fenced 2020 and mulched around the saplings . The plants will be regularly watered in warm periods by drawing water from the adjacent fountain. We will do it and whoever wants to, using bottles placed inside the nets.

23 January 2022 – Today, work continued to complete the forest nursery

Today, work continued to complete the forest nursery, Today, work continued to complete the forest nursery, Today, work continued to complete the forest nursery. Today, work continued to complete the forest nursery. Join us! Today, work continued to complete the forest nursery, Today, work continued to complete the forest nursery 3383840269.


You reforested – Course for reforesters 2021

I love a course for reforesters 2021 program

We highly recommend taking this course! It is a way to acquire skills and greater awareness of how to reforest, on which techniques to use and which errors should be avoided. We did it this past spring and WE WILL PARTICIPATE AGAIN because this is an extended course with several updates.

20 November 2021 – Inauguration of the FOREST NURSERY Parco Linear Roma Est

The 20 November 2021 the forest nursery of the East Rome Linear Park was inaugurated with great success.
Pupils from a neighboring school and many citizens from different Roman districts participated. The Linear Park Committee, RiforestiAmo Rome Metropolitan area, the Green Brigades coordinated the volunteers and were filled approx 400 pots with soil and Quercus cerris seeds have been planted (cerro) , Quercus suber (Cork oak), Tilia cordata (tiglio) e Crataegus monogyna (biancospino).
We thank Trees in the suburbs for giving away three trees (a lime tree, a country steel and an orniello) which were planted at the entrance to the park.
The work will be completed before the Christmas holidays, we will keep you informed to participate again.

13 November 2021 – East Rome forest nursery – Part IV

The 13 November the last works for the forest nursery continued. The nursery is surrounded by a small fence and now there is also a gate. It was also brought by Paolo from Ciampino quite a lot’ of compost which will be useful.
Next Saturday, 20 November, we are waiting for you to inaugurate it, p planting trees and shrubs together. Bring gloves and dirt with you!

8 November 2021 – Two cypresses in Centocelle

In date 8 November we planted two small cypresses in via dei Ciclamini, in two flower beds where previously two trees had dried up, without being replaced. In one of the flower beds there was a pour of asphalt, because they preferred to fill the hole with this excellent fertilizer, rather than planting a new tree. We have put poles around the new trees and today a safety net will be put in place.

16 October 2021 – Forest nursery for the Linear Park Part III

The 16 October 2021 we continued the construction of the forest nursery: Michelangelo and Camilla also participated, then Gennaro and Ivetta (active in the committees of the Tiburtina station in defense of the trees), in addition to the usual volunteers who have already taken part in the previous construction phases. We're not done, so if you are interested in understanding how to build a forest nursery, write or call us.

Environmental association for social promotion